Saturday 7 April 2012

Day 8 - Last Full Day at Hamilton

Butter wouldn't melt.

The new M&S campaign - Jamie Redknapp eat your heart out!

Does something seem fishy to you?

Fishly Come Dancing

Sunset on Hamilton.
A very relaxing day today by the pool. Callum entered a mini golf comp, not exactly the Masters, and came third (he won a KitKat but failed to share some with me).  Mum and I went snorkling when the tide went out and we saw a massive fish but didn't get a picture as it was too scary!  We also saw a stingray and loads of other fish. I also bought a new fluffy platypus toy and a rubber, magnet and post-it notes with platypus on it, do you have any names for him? The favourite at the moment is Platy (thanks mum).

Off to Daydream tomorrow, see you there!

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