Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Day 12 - Feeding

I like your new perfume!

What did your last slave die of?

Typical Callum... Eating the wallaby's apple. The only time he'll eat fruit is when he's eating someone elses!

Mini golf... Guess who lost AGAIN?!

Our new member of the family.
Today we went to go and feed the wallabies again. There was only two this time, and one was very timid, so you could only go up and feed one of them. Luckily it was very friendly and we got a number of photos with him. At lunch time, Callum, mum, dad and I went to go and feed (and hold!) a shark, and then feed and stroke one of the huge stingrays here.  I was really scared but I did it! Sadly, we didn't get any photos of that.

This afternoon we went to go and play mini-golf again, and I came last. Again. We're going to go again tomorrow to see if I can come any position that isn't last. Tomorrow night we're all going to go to the cinema on the beach to watch Zookeeper, I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we've been out of contact. Our net connection has gone.Hope everything is going as well as the photos look! (Well done Han as usual )
    Do you know anybody I Oz who wants to buy a house ? ( free cameo included )

    Love to all

    M &P
