Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 18 - Harbour Bridge Walk

Aunty Caz spoiling the picture (not my words!)

At the top of what felt like Mt. Everest!

Halfway up and all smiles... little did we know.

And for all you non believers...

Do you think he brushes twice a day?

We'd heard you were strict, Aunty Caz, but that's going too far.

Yep, there is definitely a pattern forming.


This morning mum and I got up bright and early to go and climb the Harbour Bridge! When mum got up this morning the rain and fog was so thick you couldn't see across the wharf, but it promptly cleared up as we started to walk up. However, when we got halfway, the rain started to fall heavily again, and our instructor told us to put on our raincoats. It was really fun and exciting, and the rain and wind made it even more fun as we challenged ourselves to get to the top.

During the time mum and I were on the bridge, dad and Callum went to the Wildlife Centre, and went to go and see a short film at the IMAX theatre. We met them at 1pm for lunch at Darling Harbour, and following that we went to the aquarium. The first exhibit there was, you guessed it, a platypus! This one, unlike the one at the zoo, was lit up and very excitable! It was even doing tricks for us in the water! The aquarium was really good, full of weird and exotic fish, and great for keeping us out of the sheets of rain outside.

This evening we went for dinner at Angela and Keith's with Aunty Caz, Uncle Pete, and the boys. When we arrived, we found Matt with a swollen black eye he got during laser tag, he looked just like Rocky when he put his dressing gown on! We had a lovely meal of lasagne and potatoes, with a birthday cake for mum, and Angie's world famous Banofee pie! It was all delicious, and Angie and Keith are lovely. Having a lie in tomorrow, and waiting to see what the weather is like before deciding what to do. G'night!

1 comment:

  1. Rain and fog! you might as well be in Ormskirk.
    Nice one Han.
    N &P
