Tuesday 3 April 2012

Day 4 - Hamilton Island

Excuse the hair.

Bottom's up!

We arrived at Hamilton Island today! It's absolutely boiling, especially when we got off the plane. When we were in the airport, the board didn't update, so we ended up being the last people on the plane. We got to the gate just as the staff were saying, "Please can the following people please come to gate 49. Peter Gainsford..."


  1. Hi, its Aunty Jane. Its looks lovely there. Its SNOWING over here in scotland. Your doing a great job Hannah. Keep us posted x x

  2. Ah right so it was the boards fault you nearly missed the plane was it? How then did the other passengers know to get on?!! We just need to look at c&p's history of missing flights and the bar bill to know what really happened! Looks fab you luck things x

  3. How many other forms of public transport can you get slow-hand clapped on?

    Lots of love


  4. p.s.
    Hope you're all nice and warm.
    I'ts snowing in Aughton!!!

  5. hi its mum. Glad you are all enjoying yourselves- it looks great there- will be using jane to sent you messages as my computer is broken again. love mum x x
